
This graphic really shows how effective the Breadth Indicator can be. Sure, after the indicator turned red, there was a little profit to be had – and then lost. It did foretell the upcoming volatility though. I’m still firmly out of long-term trading.


I was just telling my wife the other day: “hey look at my breadth indicator. The market is going up but the indicator has turned red. Things are looking dicey.” Sure enough, it has acted as an early warning system.

I use this to time my long-term investments. Unfortunately, the recent market turmoil has bitten my short-term trading too. It sucks when you get stung on the long AND the short end. Oh well, it’s only temporary…

Review: Quantpedia.com

Quantpedia contacted me a few months ago and asked if I’d be interested in reviewing their site on my blog. I’m always looking for new ideas for trading systems, so I said “sure!” (Disclosure: they provided me with free account access during the review period.)

Quantpedia.com is an aggregator and interpreter of academic papers on trading and financial research. An encyclopedia of quant-based trading research, if you will. Their sources appear mainly to be online academic journals and articles, and they provide links to the original sources for in-depth reading if you so choose. Continue reading Review: Quantpedia.com