
How To: Set SMART Goals In 10 Ways

10 Ways to Make Your Goals Easier to Achieve Do you have goals in your life? Most people do. You may want to lose weight, advance your career, or make your relationship better. You think about where you want to be and then find a way to get from where you are to where you want to be.

How To: Fight methamphetamine abuse

It's an epidemic... spreading across the country from west to east. If it isn't in your community yet, it will be. Methamphetamine kills people every day and knows no boundaries. This video talks about the differences in meth types and preparation techniques to help educate people on addressing the drug abuse. During this hour-long broadcast, we'll hear from law enforcement about the realities of fighting a drug that is "homegrown"--made using over-the-counter cold medicines and household che...


Ray provides information that hopefully will help you swallow pills easier and quicker. First go to the mirror, open your mouth and say ahhh. Look how big the hole is that allows you to swallow the pill! Put the pill on the back of your tongue as far as you possibly can. Practice with the tongue at this point putting the pill not half way, but all the way to the back. Next, close your mouth. When you close your mouth, your tongue goes back down anyway and the pill goes down your throat. The f...

谁有免费的外网加速器软件: De-Meth-Tivate

If you're Doing Meth, Carry a Clean Mirror Sure, one reason to keep your mirror clean is to avoid getting busted. But a clean mirror serves another important purpose too. Perhaps its time to take a good look at yourself and see if you can live the rest of your life with the person you've become.


How To: Prepare for an anxiety situation to keep your cool

There are always certain situations that unnerve people. One of the biggest unnerving situations you may encounter is a job interview. The nervousness breaks out and you look like a total fool, but it's just the nerves. It happens. And why can't you control it? It's hard for some to keep their cool, but Chantilliscious offers up some advice on what she does to prepare for an anxiety-causing situation.

外网加速器永久破解版: Pass a pass a weed drug test with urine dilution

UU加速器下载免费版_UU加速器手机官网版下载安装 安卓版 ...:2021-6-2 · UU加速器免费版下载,UU加速器免费版是一款以手机游戏加速为核心卖点的软件,UU加速器手机官网版能够让用户享受最为快速的加速体验,在这里用户们加速不需要任何的门槛,自由的畅玩,游戏之中不再会有网络中断的问题,还有各种最为智能化的加速服务,节省超多的流量!


When you are tested for drugs, the drugs can be found in your hair and blood. There are three types of tests: hair test, blood test and urine test. The urine test, being the cheapest, is the most common drug test. Some ways to beat this unwanted drug screening is by drinking x-amount of water, this dilutes the drug within your system. The second method is to inform them that you are a user, or that you attend frequent rock concerts. (This method isn't recommended because of the outrageous amo...

How To: Survive an earthquake

Feeling unprepared for the next earthquake? In this tutorial, learn what to do and what not to do to survive "the big one". You'll be surprised to learn that hiding in a doorway is a myth!


How To: Lie detect by recognizing eye movements

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News: Motivational Video

加速器资讯:台服游戏《永劫回廊》正式版宣布结束运营-有趣 ...:今天 · 1 玩游戏需要外网加速器永久免费版?方法来了 2 安装《valorant》后登陆不上怎么解决? 3 加速器攻略:《盗贼之海》的岛屿坐标表!速来收藏 4 暴雪战网外服或将与国内玩家无缘,新用户注册需当地手机号 5 上线预定100万人!Moonlight Engraver的开始 6

News: How to Become Body Confident and Gain Self Respect

Overweight dancer Whitney Thore has become a star - shaking her 25-stone booty in online videos. The 29-year-old radio producer's clip A Fat Girl Dancing showcasing her incredible dance skills went viral and earned her fans the world over. Whitney, who has Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, wants to destigmatise the word 'fat'. Six months ago she launched the No Body Shame Campaign fight fat phobia and teach people to love their bodies.


News: Expand Your Vision for Success

EXPAND YOUR VISION: So many people don't achieve their goals and dreams in life because they don't have a big enough vision for themselves. The biggest enemy lies within. Picture and see yourself achieving your goals, becoming financially independent, making yourself more valuable to the market place, or losing that excess weight that you have always wanted to lose.


The world is surrounded by negative vibes, everyone of us needs to be positive in a way to have a balance in life. I will share with you, what are the steps to be an optimistic person.


How do you maintain your motivation when you're halfway towards your goal? Watch this video to find out!


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The following is a quick and easy way to relieve yourself of strain in the upper region, a common place of tension. This is going to be accomplished through the art of meditation. The technique literally “relaxes your mind” away from your area of discomfort and puts your attention on moving and breathing slowly. The combination of the slow movement and breathing will relax the region and open you to higher healing energy. You will have effectively raised your vibration and allowed healing (wh...

How To: Promote a Web Comic

There’s a lot going on in your head when creating a comic book and it doesn’t stop after it’s done. There are other things that you have to do once your comic book goes online. You have to market it, introduce it to the right market, and find a way how to get it published.

How To: Take Cold Showers

There are many reasons to take cold showers. It can improve circulation, stabilize blood pressure, improve skin and/or hair, and improve immunity. Cold showers are not easy to just jump into. It does take some time to adapt to the shock of getting into cold water and then staying with it.



Psychology Today's Elizabeth Svoboda presents an interesting argument on the merits of no holds barred truth telling versus the social sensitivity involved in telling little white lies. Svoboda poses that while truth tellers may rest easy at night, brutal honesty can have negative emotional repercussions for others.


免费连外网的软件: Deal with social anxiety & improve your social skills

This video tutorial is in the Motivation & Self Help category which will show you how to deal with social anxiety and improve your social skills. In this video Momo answers some questions on social skills and gives a few suggestions on what to do when the panic sets in. The panic sets in either because you have nothing to say or you have expectations. Usually it is expectations. You got expectations from your teachers, your parents, your friends or your peers. When you have expectations when ...



In this video, we learn how to deal with rejection from your father. Don't let your father change who you are and change how you think about yourself. Know that people in your family are going to have problems, it can't be perfect. The mental warfare isn't worth it, grab the bull by the horns. Try to write him a letter from the heart and really let him know what you are thinking. If that doesn't work, make a video where you are talking right to him and tell him how you are feeling. After this...

How To: Avoid back pain from sitting at a desk at work

In this tutorial, we learn how to avoid back pain from sitting at a desk at work. You can sit safely by keeping your back locked and using variations. Change position regularly and stand upright while moving. This will change the pressure in the disks in your back. Alternate between active and passive sitting, which will let your back muscles work. You can lean against the back rest of your chair for support on the hollow of your back. The position of your feet and legs has an impact on your ...

ok外网加速器: Get over shyness

In this video, we learn how to get over shyness. You need to make sure that you are really accomplished at what you are doing, which will give you confidence. You need to excel in your field, which will create a situation that makes you happy and will attract the type of people that you want around. You can also put an ad out for shy people, because there are a lot of people that feel the same way as you out there. If you do this, you can start to meet new people and get out in the public to ...

How To: Relieve back & neck pain while at work with exercises

In this video from InstruxionAE we learn some exercises to do at work to relieve your back and neck pain. You cannot cure this pain from exercise. You can only keep safe posture throughout the day. The weightlifter's technique is the best exercise. Traction or hanging is one of the most relaxing exercises for the back. Bending backwards is a good way too. While seated, you can put your hand on the armrests and bend back in your chair. In a standing position you can put your hands on your belt...



Many girls start to smoke because they think that A. It makes them look cool and B. Smoking will help them lose weight. Without getting into all the gnarly lung cancer, yellow teeth, decaying body stuff we're just going to say that smoking does, indeed sometimes help women keep their weight down.

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